and Surrounding Areas
Practicing Since 1985 | Reliable and Professional | Flexible Scheduling
Practicing 39 Years
Practicing Since 1985
Reliable and Professional
Flexible Scheduling
Practicing 39 Years
When you enter a courtroom for a family law matter, you need an experienced attorney on your side. The Law Office of Bennett L Pugh will stand up for your rights and put your best interest first.
Practicing since 1985 jury and nonjury trial case experience, our law firm provides skilled representation for divorce and child custody cases. There are numerous legal matters that must be considered when you are getting divorced or facing a child custody matter. Let us help. Call us to schedule an appointment today.
No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.
Legal Representation for Divorce and Child Custody
Call us to schedule an appointment.
(205) 901-1116
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